Tuesday, March 27, 2012


May 2, 2009: Brendan offically became a walker.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Say Cheese!

Brendan should be eating finger foods by now. He has the dr's okay to pretty much eat whatever I'm eating (with some exceptions) just cut up real small. Well, he just hasn't been into it. The boy is a Taurus all the way... so stubborn! And if he doesn't like the taste or texture of something he can actually make himself gag and throw-up! So I've been trying finger foods and the only thing he'll eat is Gerber puffs (these little fruit flavored cereal things.) I've tried his favorites that he likes pureed and he still doesn't like 'em... cut up bananas, little pieces of sweet potatos, etc. He just gags and pukes. Super. I've also tried crackers, cheese, pasta pieces, etc. All leading to gags. But tonight I bravely tried some Sargento cheddar cheese stick (prior to the jarred food... no fool am I!)... and guess what???? He ate it! Wooo hoooo! I was so excited I tried to take a picture but didn't have the memory stick in the camera. Doh! Anyway... I think this was a big step. Amazing what excites me these days!

Monday, March 2, 2009

For Carrie... my biggest fan.... hopefully not the only one!

Brendan's antics

I figured out how to upload video!!! WOOOO HOOOO! So here is what the little man is up to. He loves balls. (Stop giggling you pervy, immature people... you know who you are.) He has learned to bounce and play "catch". It is so cute!!! Here's the video!

He also has figured out how to get into everything! Last night my nephews were over and the bathroom door must have been left open. I hear Brendan giggling and chatting with himself in there. Realizing he was in the bathroom I went running! (Thinking he'd be about to crawl head first into the toilet... God Forbid!) But instead he's found the toilet paper. What a little stinker!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby boy

We started our long weekend of romance (hahaha) with a Valentine's Day fever! Bren felt a little warm in the late afternoon and then by the time we had a bath and we were getting ready for bed he was burning up. Then he projectile vomited up his dinner... super. And then after bottle, spewed that too. Ugh.... So scary! I pumped him full of baby Tylenol and put him down hoping he would break the fever and get some rest.

So Jimmy and I shovel in our "romantic" dinner and gulp down some wine. And an hour or so later the baby was up and screaming. I went up and had him in the glider trying to calm him. Jimmy had to go to work. So there I sat with my poor sick baby, the temperol thermometer (so I could check every 10 minutes and a glass of wine. It was a long night.

This was Brendan's first high fever.... 103.4 at it's peak! We had a nice late night call to his Ped and she put me at ease. Sunday morning we went to see her at the doctor's office. He was still running 101 but was perking up. But Sunday afternoon he was on the mend and we went over to Jimmy's sisters for dinner for his Mom's birthday. Can you believe this little boy was so sick only 24 hours prior???? Kids are so resiliant...

Monday, January 26, 2009

New shoes...

Yesterday we went to Stride Rite and bought Bren his first real walking shoes! He moves so quick now that his socks aren't slipping all over the hard woods. hehehe. Now he can just crawl all over and follow you around. Which is so cute. This morning he was my shadow as I got ready for the gym (yes, that's right.. I went to the gym... but that's another story!) and as I'm getting dressed I start to wonder at what age should I stop changing in front of him? I could've sworn he was watching me put on my sports bra with knowing eyes. Although it may simply be that he is remembering the girls as his intial food source. Come to think of it, he does kinda eye his bottle in the same way. But it does make me wonder what how I'm going to get ready for work when he gets too old to lock in the room with me while I get dressed. Maybe I should start looking at big play pens now!

I can't believe next week he turns 9 months old! Blows my mind. And I feel like he is really on the verge of a word... he says a lot of dadadada. Of course Jimmy thinks he is actually saying "dada" in reference to him. But of course this is really just indiscriminate babbling and I am convinced there is a "mama" in him yet! Or maybe a "hi". He kinda makes this "heeeeh" exhaling sound in response to a "Hi Brendan!" Yes, he's a genius.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For Aunt Carrie & Aunt Lauren

Because it touches me so dearly that you tell me that you miss my little man, here's what Bren Ed was up to this evening.... a little frozen 'naner with din-din then into jammies for some play time and crawling!